The bottoms are made of either Gorp or Candy Candy corn. Then the tails of the gummy worms are tucked into that filling, allowing the heads of the worms to drape over the tops of the cup. Next, melted chocolate (I made some with milk chocolate and some with almond bark)gets poured over the Gorp/Corn. This seals the worms in place. Three candy corn pumpkins get pressed into the warm chocolate so when the chocolate cools they are stuck in the chocolate as well. The whole thing gets topped with crushed Oreos to give it that "dirt" look.
After the last church bake sale, I was not 100% sure if these cups would sell. Blockette and I volunteered at the pumpkin patch this morning and the dirt cups were all gone! I even found out they were sold for $2. Most things at the bake sale were marked at $1, so I was feeling super special.
An hour into our two hour shift, I decided we should warm up in the car. I read Blockette a story in the shelter of our car. (Blockette thought it was especially cool since she got to sit in the Front Seat) Once we were finished, we went back to the tent. As we were getting out of the car, I saw this big old fat squirrel helping himself to a loaf of pumpkin bread! (He even ate the saran wrap!) I shooed the monster away from his snack and went to search for something to cover up the rest of the baked goods should we decide to warm up in the car again.
I found a plastic bin I thought would work in the garage near the pumpkin patch. As I was leaving the garage I heard, "Smack, Splat", a large intake of air and hysterical crying/screaming. Blockette had tripped on the sidewalk near the door of the garage. Luckily her nose was there to break her fall. OUCH!
Once I calmed her down and wiped away her tears, I covered up the baked goods with the bin and put a heavy pumpkin on top of it so the evil squirrels couldn't just team up and push the bin off the table. I grabbed the cash box and headed back up to the church office.
I explained what happened with the vermin and Blockette's nose dive. Since we hadn't had a single person stop at the patch, I wondered if it would be ok for us to head out early. As it turned out, the person scheduled to work the next shift was already in the office. (At least one thing was going in our favor this morning!) Everyone was so surprised about the squirrel eating the bread. Apparently, in all the years the church has been running the pumpkin patch, there have been no squirrel related crimes. Figures. This only furthers my theory that the Squirlz are out to get me!
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