Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Salt Free Taco Seasoning

Like GIR, from Invader Zim, I loves me some tacos. (I love the little tacos. I love them good.)

Soooo...it was no big surprise when I noticed that we were precariously low on Taco seasoning. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!)  I like to make my own stuff as it is cheaper, tastes better and I can make it salt free. 

So I did a little search on here and...what?  No posts found.  Hmmm....so I went looking in my handy black recipe binder.  WHAT??  It wasn't there either. Uh oh.  What in the world did I do with the recipe?

Ugh.  It was back to square one on trying to find a good recipe.  After much searching, here is what I came up with:

Salt Free Taco Seasoning
4 parts chili powder*
4 parts paprika (I used half smoked and half regular)
2 parts cumin
2 parts cornstarch 
1 part cayenne (or more depending on your heat preference)
1 part oregano
1 part onion powder
1 part garlic powder
1 part cocoa powder
1/2 part coriander
1/2 part pepper (or more depending on your heat preference)** 

Mix everything up and store in an air tight container.  I like to use 3-4T for one pound of meat. 

*If you want this really spicy use ground chile (ancho or chipotle) powder which is much different than chili powder.  If you want this Taco seasoning to be salt free, make sure your Chili powder doesn't contain salt.  Most of them do.  You can make your own chili powder if your store doesn't sell the salt free kind.

**I used white pepper as it was the only stuff that was already ground, and I was lazy.


  1. AWESOME, Thank you for this!!! I've been meaning to get around to finding a salt free recipe! This will rock my world!

  2. I hope you like it. There's so much flavor in this blend that we find we don't miss the salt at all.


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